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Law Enforcement Ministry: Offer “Peace”

There is a huge need to minister to our law enforcement officers.  These dedicated individuals who are on call 24/7 and put their lives in harm’s way. Here are some ways you can show your support:  


Pray specifically for law enforcement officers and their need to know Christ. Pray for opportunities to share the good news and build relationships. Obtain a roster and pray specifically for protection, health, officers’ families, wisdom, discernment, and the ability to make quick and rational decisions.


Encourage officers by writing a thank-you note acknowledging their work and service. Take a basket of snacks, bottled water, and fresh fruit once a month. Mark your calendar for National Police Week, May 15–21. Find out whether your community is providing meals or your church is holding a special recognition service.


Adopt an officer and his or her family. Begin by praying for creative ways you can reach out and minister to them. Send a text stating you are praying, remember birthdays, or give a gift card to a local restaurant or movie theater. If possible, find ways to support the family during times of crisis. Most importantly, be a friend and try to find ways to build a relationship.


Connect with the law enforcement agencies in your city or county. Let it be known that your missions group is willing to assist in various ways. Ask if there are chaplains serving with the agencies. If not, pray that someone in your church would be willing to serve in this capacity.


Equip officers with a special gift: God’s Word, which will not return void (Isa. 55:11). Consider providing every Law Enforcement Officer’s a Bible.  Pray for the opportunity to do a Bible study. Inquire about other needs such as bulletproof vests or other supplies that are not covered under the agency’s budget. Find ways to assist in these areas.


Using the acrostic for the word “PEACE,” you can minister to those who are sworn to uphold peace in our society. “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you” (Isa. 26:3).

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